n is a number between 1 (smallest text) and 7 (largest). You can also increase and reduce the size, for example +3. COLOR is the color of the text. FACE is a comma-separated list of fontnames. If the first font isn't installed on the computer, the second font will be used, and so on. FONT must end with </FONT>, and is a Netscape tag. The FACE variable is an Internet Explorer extension. You can also change the default textsize with the BASEFONT tag, which is described in the first chapter.
<Hn [...]>
Change the size of a header. n is a number between 1 (largest) and 6 (smallest). When starting a new header, it will always begin in a new line. The text will normalize after the headers end. Must end with </Hn> Some HTML 3.0 parameters are available, such like ALIGN, DINGBAT, NOWR and CLEAR. More information about these parameters can be founded in the Links and Paragraphs chapters.
Makes the text big. HTML 3.0 tag. Must end with </BIG>.
Makes the text small. HTML 3.0 tag. Must end with </SMALL>.
Logical Styles
Emphasized text text. Shows up in italic.
Titles.Shows up in italic.
Machinecode. Shows up in a typewriter font e.g. courier.
Stands for 'user keyboard entry', when you want the user to type in a text. Shows up in a typewriter font, e.g. courier. Sometimes bold.
Text within this tag won't show up in a newer browser.
<!-- Text -->
Comments between <! and > are ignored by the browser.
Stands for 'computer status message'. Shows up in a typewriter font, e.g. Courier.
Strongly emphasized text. Shows up in bold.
Stands for 'variable'. Shows up in italic.
Stands for example, shows up in a typewrier font.
Shows u in italic. Use it in the end of the document to display the authors email address, for example.
Use it to separate a text from the rest of the page.
Make the browser to use the same textstyles as in the HTML code, including wordwraps. WIDTH=n sets the maximum length of a line in characters. Link tags (<A HREF>) works within a <PRE> text. Must end with </PRE>
Use it to make the text blink. Must end with </BLINK>. Netscape tag.
Defines a text. Shows up in italic. HTML 3.0 tag.
Stands for "Short quotation". HTML 3.0 tag.
HTML 3.0 tag. Shows up the same as normal text in most browsers.
Stands for "Author name". HTML 3.0 tag.
All logical styles must end with </...>, for example </EM>
Multi columns
This is a Netscape extension, added in Netscape 3.0. The text within this tag will show up in columns. COLS is the number of columns, GUTTER the space between the columns in pixels, usually 10, and WIDTH the width of the columns in pixels. All columns has the same width.
Scrolling text
An auto-scrolling text. This is an Internet Explorer tag. The following parameters can be used:
WIDTH=n|n% HEIGHT=n|n%
Sets the width and height of the marquee.
Defines the space between the vertical and horizontal ends of the marquee.
Sets the align of the marquee.
Defines the method for the marquee to be used. SCROLL scrolls the text from one side to the other and is the default value. SLIDE does the same, but stops when the text has reached the other side, and is still displayed. ALTERNATE bounces the text bteween the sides.
Defines the side to start from.
Defines the background color for the marquee.
Defines the number of loops for the text. INFINITE lopps until the page is closed.
Sets the number of pixels between succeeded drawn text scrolls.
Sets the number of miliseconds between succeeded drawn scrolls.
Color names
Colors can be specified either by its RGB (red-green-blue) value or by a name. There is sixteen supported colornames: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white and yellow. You may change the color with the <BASE> and <FONT> tags.